How to Schedule An Email In Outlook?

Outlook comes with numerous useful features that allow users to make the most of this Microsoft service. One of the features which users find a lot useful is the option to schedule an email. The email service allows the user to delay the delivery of an email by configuring some rules. This way the messages are held in the Outbox folder until the scheduled time after a user clicks on the Send button. If you also use this feature to delay or schedule an email in Outlook, go through the information provided below.

Steps to Delay the Delivery of a Message

If you are looking to delay or schedule the delivery of a particular email message, you can follow the instructions provided below.

  1. Launch Outlook on your computer and compose an email. When composing an email, you will need to click on the More options arrow icon located in the Tags group of the Ribbon.
  2. Next, you will need to select the checkbox next to the Do not deliver before option located under Delivery options.
  3. Then, you will need to click on the delivery date and time you wish to set up for the delivery of your message.
  4. After selecting the date and time for your email, you will need to click on the Close option. Once you are done composing the email you wish to schedule, you will need to click on the Send button.
  5. Clicking on the Send button will keep the email in the Outbox folder until the scheduled delivery time.

If after scheduling the email messages, you wish to send the message right away, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Outbox folder in your Outlook email and open the delayed message.
  2. Next, you will need to select the More options arrow icon from the Tags group located in the Ribbon.
  3. Then, you will need to deselect the checkbox next to Do not deliver before option located under the Delivery options section.
  4. After that, simply click on the Close and Send button to send the email immediately.
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NOTE: Make sure that Outlook is online and connected to this feature to make it work.

Steps to Delay the Delivery of all Message

If you wish to delay or schedule the delivery of all the outgoing email messages in Outlook, you can do so by following the instructions provided below.

  1. Open Outlook email on your computer and click on the File option. This will open a menu on your screen.
  2. From the menu that appears on your screen, you will need to click on the Manage Rules & Alerts option.
  3. Under Manage Rules & Alerts option, you will need to click on the New Rule option.
  4. Next, in the Step 1: Select a template box, you will need to click on the Apply rule on messages I send option under Start from a Blank Rule section, and then click on the Next button.
  5. Then, in Step 1: Select condition(s) list, you will need to select the checkboxes for any options which you want and then click on the Next button.

In case you do not select any checkboxes, you will see a confirmation dialog box will appear on your screen. If you click on the Yes option in the confirmation box, the rule that you are creating gets applied to all the email messages you send from your Outlook account.

  • After that, you will need to select the checkbox next to defer delivery by a number of minutes option in the Step 1: Select action(s).
  • Now, in the Step 2: Edit the rule description (click an underlined value) box, you will need to click on the underlined phrase a number of and enter the number of minutes for which you want outlook to hold the messages before they are sent to the recipient.
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NOTE: You can delay the delivery of the emails up to 120 minutes only.

  • Next, you will need to click on the OK button and then on the Next button. Then, select the checkbox next to the exceptions which you wish to apply and click on the Next button.
  • After that, you will need to enter a suitable name for the rule in the Step 1: Specify a name for this rule box and select the checkbox next to the Turn on this rule option.
  • Finally, click on the Finish button. Now, when you will click the Send button, each email will be stored in the Outbox folder for the time you would have specified.

So, now as you know the steps to delay or schedule email(s) in your Outlook account, you can easily manage the delivery of your emails in the recipients’ accounts.

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